HDO Health Featured by The Ohio State University College of Engineering

HDO Health was Featured on The Ohio State University College of Engineering Website.

A recent article on The Ohio State University College of Engineering website features HDO Health‘s life-saving medical device, the Journiquet™, co-invented by Tanya Nocera, a biomedical engineering associate professor of practice, along with J. Allen McElroy, a trauma surgeon and Ohio State alumnus, Nadi Graham, an Ohio State Highway Patrol officer and member of its special response team, and Bryan Stewart, an Ohio State alumnus who is now the CEO of HDO Health. 

The article highlights the years-long journey of Nocera, McElroy, Graham, and later Stewart in developing and bringing the Journiquet™ to market, which started with a senior capstone team of Integrated Business and Engineering students at Ohio State in 2017. 

As a company, we realize that without the support of The Ohio State University’s resources, including the Center for Clinical and Translational Science, the Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence, and the Keenan Center for Entrepreneurship, in addition to Rev1 Ventures, we would not have been able to design, enhance, and prototype the Journiquet™ in preparation for obtaining FDA clearance and getting the Journiquet™ in the hands of those that save lives. We are truly grateful to everyone who helped our team reach this point.

To read the full-length article, please click here.

Point of Contact: Bryan J. Stewart | Chief Executive Officer | 904.416.65656 | bstewart@hdohealth.com